A \(2\)-fold coloring of a graph \(G\) assigns a set of two colors to each vertex such that adjacent vertices get disjoint sets. We get a weakened version of the Borodin-Kostochka conjecture if instead of requiring a \((\Delta(G) - 1)\)-coloring, we require a \(2\)-fold coloring from a pot of \(2\Delta(G) - 1\) colors. A minimal counterexample to this conjecture cannot have any of the graphs here as induced subgraphs (these are \((2d(v) - 1 : 2)\)-choosable graphs, actually online-choosable). In the pictures, i gave different colors to the components of the complement so it is easier to see the joins. Notice how severely restricted these require neighborhoods to be for minimal counterexamples. For \(3\)-fold and \(4\)-fold coloring, things get even more restricted.